Quantity Take Off for I-66 Express LanesAssets

I-66 Outside the Beltway


I-66 Outside the Beltway
151 Sign Structures
543.564 sqft Retaining Walls
723 Drainage Structures

51.629 RCP ft
184.500 ft of Concrete Barrier Wall
71.000 ft of Guardrails

The I-66 Outside the Beltway is a project that is helping transform thiscritical Northern Virginia artery to relieve congestion, improve safety andprovide more predictable travel times.I-66 is being expanded – from the Capital Beltway (I-495) to Gainesville(US Route 29) – to include three toll free general purpose lanes and twoExpress Lanes in each direction with a state-of-the-art open-road electronictoll collection system

I-66 EMP is the company contracted to operate and maintain the I-66Express Lanes. Azierta was asked to assist in the review, preparation andsubmittal of a quantity take off of all elements related to the Express lanesso they could make reception of the assets and incorporate them into theirMaintenance Program.

The project consisted in the review of all As-Builts, identification of allelements, measurement of those and the preparation of the assets lists percategories.