NTE Express & LBJ Express Concessions


The concession includes 13 miles of distance.

The new LBJ Express has increased the driving capacity of the old LBJ. Up to six new managed lanes have been added in the I-635 section, and four on the I-35 section. This extension aims to cover the needs arising through population growth over the next 30 years.
Overall, works have comprised the building of a concrete structure the size of 120 football fields and a wearing surface equivalent to 280 fields, with the excavation of close to 7 million cubic meters of earth. Roughly, 100 km of pilings have been used, while 330 km of prefabricated beams and 320,000 m2 of different types of walls have been put up. The 9 lanes in each direction required the construction of over 350 km of lanes, with one section of the highway having up to 28 lanes

LBJ asked AZIERTA to assist in the design, preparation and submittal of construction plans to improve the safety of freeway exit and entrance ramps. These markers enhance delineation and driver awareness, especially in low visibility conditions. Illumination of the freeway ramps would help improve road user recognition of exit and entrance locations and features.